Oda Başkanı Mesut Tokay bugün TUYAD Başkanı Hayrettin Özaydın’ı Ataşehir merkez ofisinde ziyaret etti. Esnafın sesi olarak teknik Servis esnafının yaşadığı önemli sorunları aktardı; bunlardan biri de sağlıklı hakediş alınamaması, işçilik ücretlerinin şu an ki mevcut ekonomik şartların altında kaldığını belirtti. Servis esnafının artan işletme maliyetlerine şöyle de bir örnek verdi, bir tv kurulumuna en az iki tecrübeli deneyimli personel gittiğini, yerinde servis hizmetine bir araçla gidildiğini, bu aracında yakıt masrafının, bakım onarım masrafının da arttığını, eğer bu aracı kiralamak istese en az aylık 25.000 tl + KDV bedeli olduğunu ve üretici ve ithalatçı firmaların bu zor şartlar da çalışan servis esnafına, işletme sahibine hak edilecek işçilik ücreti vermediğini söyledi. Sağlıklı işçilik ücretleri olmayınca hayatını idame edecek servis çalışanı da sağlıklı maaş ödemesi olmadığı için, servis sahipleri çalıştıracak personel bulamamakta, böyle giderse imalatçı ve ithalatçı firmalarda kendilerine servis istasyonu bulamayacaktır. Haberin tamamı için röportajı https://youtu.be/HGXHn8pHb9o izleyebilirsiniz, sayın Mesut Tokay‘a yapmış olduğu ziyaretleri için teşekkür ediyoruz.


As natural disasters have become more common and intense lately, infrastructure is being damaged and new solutions are required. It is important to use existing communication tools in place. Satellite technology has many useful uses for minimizing the impact felt from these devastating events.


In order to establish communication with different regions in the same geography in the event of a disaster, uninterrupted communication to the Internet via satellite antennas, data transfer through satellite technologies, which are the common areas of use of all communication tools, can be provided from anywhere and uninterrupted technology transfer.


A continuous and uninterrupted access to the broadband internet system can be provided from anywhere in the world with satellite antennas. Satellite antennas are not just a means of watching TV.


In many parts of the world, for example in New York, people may prefer satellite internet. In 2010, there were 450 thousand satellite internet preferences in this city alone. Or, dish antennas are used to access the internet in places where cable and fiber still cannot go. Cable and fiber connection is not required to access the internet network accessed by dish antennas. Satellite internet can be preferred as an alternative to cable and fiber for individual use.


Satellite internet technology has the power to receive and send important data by simply providing energy without any hindrance when a disaster occurs.


Satellites sit securely above the earth’s atmosphere and provide communication to address wide geographical locations, there will be no obstacle in front of them to interrupt communication.


When broadband internet is reached, it will be possible to communicate information with each other in data centers, which are the common meeting place of all networks.


Instead of damaging the underground cables in an earthquake, tsunami, flood or hurricane and waiting for their repair process, emergency satellite systems will provide communication immediately.


Broadband satellite internet systems are VSAT applications. With the right planning and application, many lives and property can be saved in an emergency by communicating.


In particular, VSAT satellite systems, which are easily installed and commissioned in the event of an earthquake, will immediately transmit the status of the region or, if there is a fire, the images or the degree of coldness to the relevant people.


VSAT KA-KU band satellite internet systems allow teams to establish emergency communications even when terrestrial forms of communication are down. In addition, they are very suitable technologies for continuous communication in mining, farm or sea areas where there is only electricity and no infrastructure in the normal period.


The satellite communication system consists of two main elements, the ground station and the satellites in space. The communication between them is provided by the so-called satellite dish antennas.


The biggest advantage of satellite communication systems is that they provide simultaneous communication to many users within the global coverage area in locations where there is no terrestrial infrastructure, and they become almost the only communication source in natural disasters.


All of this demonstrates that satellite technology is a vital component of disaster relief efforts today and in the future.


Various organizations have been formed for the commissioning of this important system in the event of a disaster. Manpower and knowledgeable manpower are needed not only for the existence of the system, but also for its activation in the event of a disaster.


The address and contact information of the people who are given pre-disaster training are collected in one center or even in several centers, and this information is also available for use by international aid organizations.


In our region, TUYAD carries out these training activities and has directed previously trained VSAT installers to the region in the last earthquake. Now, by training more experts, many people who will put the systems into operation in a disaster that may occur all over Turkey have already started to be registered in the system.


NASA launched the Earth Science Disasters Program in 2006 to use its key space-based assets to save lives and property in times of crisis. They analyzed the information from his satellites.


As you can see, it is possible to monitor and study a wide variety of disasters via satellites. Governments and private companies around the world are using technology to provide targeted, efficient assistance to disaster areas. As the consequences of climate change increase, satellites, along with data-collecting analytics software, will become more effective at predicting natural events and subsequent relief efforts.


TUYAD has been a trusted name in the satellite industry for 23 years. Our non-profit organization is an association where very important brands of our country come together and organizations that have a voice in various countries of the world are members.


During a disaster, of course, experts are needed to work on the rescue of the wrecked. Health teams and fire extinguishers are also needed. Security forces are also needed. Satellite technology experts have also been included in these needs. And we will continue to support our existence in this field voluntarily.




Dear representative of our industry,

We are taking our place with our TUYAD Stand at the IBC Fair, which will take place on September 9 – 12, 2022 in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

As the leading organization in Content, Media, Entertainment and Technology, IBC is an important channel for the promotion of our industry.

The special issue of our ‘Digitalyasam’ magazine will be distributed in the field of magazines at the fair.

You can introduce your products and services to the participants at the booth of our TUYAD Association.

We are at the IBC stand 8.A46.


There are four types of TV viewing options: terrestrial, satellite, cable and internet. With the widespread and accessible internet, OTT, which is the most comfortable option, has started to be preferred more.


OTT (Over The Top) is defined as watching the media and all kinds of content over the internet without cable and antenna. Your television should be compatible with this and it should be compatible for a long time. The most known operating system in this regard and the tool that allows you to watch the broadcasts on your television without any problems is the Android system. Google developed this system and offered it to our service, but it is not very innocent, in fact, it contains a lot of commercial income.


Its rival, IOS, works more widely on mobile. In other words, while IOS is preferred more for the display on mobile phones, Android is preferred for televisions. When buying a television, it is necessary to research well whether the software hidden in it is licensed. We must make sure that a television produced by a company that has a contract with Google is purchased. Otherwise, future software updates will make your broadcasts unwatchable and it will be possible for your television to become idle.


Internet television has made itself more prominent with the increase in platforms. There are movies and serials shot only for broadcasting on the internet. Now there are movies that we can watch whenever we want and leave it unfinished and continue later. This comfort is only possible with internet TV.


Now we will have much faster internet with fiber internet and 5G, whose preparations have been completed in mobile.


The internet, which is still at the top of TV viewing options, is also the leader in platform subscriptions. This situation does not change in our country and all over the world.


It is expected that all platforms will be broadcasting on the internet in the next decade.


Even in the worst geographical situation, 5G will be at least 100 times faster than the internet speed we use now. Thus, we will have the opportunity to watch 4K, 8K and even 16K images in a very short time. So, high speed internet will start a revolution in video streaming quality.


The giants of the media and the most well-known movie companies will find their place on internet TV. We can see the closest examples to this with the applications that appear as shortcuts on our smart televisions.


We will not only get used to watching TV, but also to smart solutions at home with simultaneous smart TV. TV will become the operating system of the house. With the voice command Google Assistant, all electronic and electrical systems will become manageable. If you don’t want to miss this, you should definitely search for a Google license when buying a smart TV. It is not difficult to research this. The license of the brand can be queried from Google. For an easier way, you can ask TUYAD.


Viewer habits and TV viewing ratings can also be reported very easily from here. Of course, national channels are a service that governments all over the world have the society watch as a social project. While subscription is required for other encrypted broadcasts and premium content, FREE IP TV broadcasts are offered to you free of charge and with the simple application of your TV manufacturer.


When we say OTT platforms, don’t just think of internationally known ones. Each country’s own broadcast bundles carry their service to the internet over time and are primarily preferred here. This is what happened in Turkey. Although Netflix had an overwhelming subscriber dominance at first, local Blu TV soon became the leader.


OTT is the leader in many aspects such as broadcast quality, content placement and management.


By 2022 and beyond, the content industry will be faster and higher quality. Platforms that fail to do this are doomed to perish and remain far behind.


OTT will mean the most economical use for the internet, which offers not only images but simultaneously music, smart data collection and smart solutions.



Hayrettin Özaydın

TUYAD Assocation made a meeting with QIGA Qatar Independent Global Association and The State Committee for Investment and State Property Management of the Republic of Tajikistan.


TUYAD Management and Members, Mr. Khurshed Mirzo – First Deputy Chairman of the State Committee on Investments and State Property Management, Representatives of Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Tajikistan, Mr. Sohibzoda Khisrav Sohib, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tajikistan in the States of Qatar, Mr. Saleh Abdulla S Jawas – President of QIGA, Board Members of QIGA  attended to the meeting.


The attendants made presentation and they presented opinions on the bilateral relations between Turkey, Qatar, and Tajikistan and discussed long-term cooperation.


For Contact: Chairman of TUYAD

Hayrettin Özaydın




TUYAD – Yahsat business development meeting with Yahsat Vice president Sales MENA/ASIA Region Mr. Samer Farouq Helmi Bazyan was held via Zoom. At the meeting, Yahsat Turkey studies and potential new collaborations were discussed. We will be happy to work with Yahsat, which wants to maintain and develop its position in the Turkish market. TUYAD President Hayrettin Özaydın, TUYAD Global Communications and Business Development Manager Hengameh Rayeji, TUYAD Project Coordinator Yağmur Şen and TUYAD official solution partner Necati Şen from Hedef Koç Consulting company attended the meeting.

A business development meeting was held with ARABSAT, the corporate member of TUYAD. ARABSAT Head of Product Sales-Telecom Eng. Rami K. Wahab and Arabian Gulf & Asia Regional Manager Mohannad Al-Ghannam visited TUYAD Istanbul office. The works that they are currently doing in Turkey and that they want to do in the future were discussed. We talked about the requirements and business potentials of the market in Turkey. Global Communications and Business Development Manager Hengameh Rayeji attended the meeting via Zoom. TUYAD Chairman Hayrettin Özaydın presented the official ARABSAT membership certificate to them.

TV industry and trade monitoring report

Terrorism or terrorism is the pressure, intimidation and use of all means against target groups determined to achieve economic goals.


Almost all of the trade sites in our country have foreign partnerships or ownership and unfortunately, there is a trade sanction terror by applying high commissions to our companies.


In the e-commerce market, uncontrolled store commission fees and additional expense charges are applied without question and arbitrarily.


The ever-increasing cost rates of the competitive market and e-commerce shopping, which is especially preferred during the pandemic period, make it difficult for the shopkeepers.


It is not easy for companies trying to sell products to create a pricing strategy for their products. When many high-rated costs overlap, the price offered to the end consumer becomes very high. As a result, the seller uses different ways to eliminate its cost. These ways; sometimes it is to show its products in features that it does not have or to escape from various tax factors. Otherwise, it is almost impossible to put forward a competitive price.


Although rival companies or brands have difficulty in understanding these very competitive prices, they are obliged to sell with these prices. The result is clear; Our companies are damaged and shut down. However, e-commerce sites continue to offer sales services with new partners.


Although the e commerce market works, it may not work for our companies looking for an honest and worthwhile profit margin.


If there are no merchants who can truly understand the just competition rules in the country where e-commerce sites exist, this situation should be very well controlled by the relevant institutions of the state and the profit margin of the sites should not exceed certain rates.


Unfortunately, especially the companies that exist in the Middle East and this nearby geography are not honest and sensitive to their competitors. With only sales-oriented thinking, many of our companies are in danger of disappearing in e-commerce. These channels, where our sellers cannot create just competition, must be urgently regulated by the state.


In e-commerce, there is no fixed commission fee, no additional cost restrictions to be added to the pricing structure, no fee scale to be added to the cargo, no refund and penal sanction limit, no fixed rate deduction for every transaction, no problem of who will pay the tax on the commission invoice. The only thing that exists is the sanctions that will allow the e-commerce site to make more profit every day.


Are you against it? No problem. It is easy to find a vendor anyway!


In the past, the biggest nightmare of the sellers were moneylenders and they received a monthly interest rate of 5%. Now, e-commerce sites have become the worries of the merchants. The most innocent gets a 20% commission fee.


Although some e-commerce sites may seem free at first, they now receive commissions from both the buyer and the seller. This creates unfair gains in the taxation of bilateral commissions and commissions.


Below you can see a table comparing commission rates and costs of some of the major ecommerce markets.


E-commerce site Minimum total commission rates
N11 %22
Hepsi Burada %22
Gitti Gidiyor %22
Trendyol %25
PTT % 20


Some e-commerce sites cut a total of 45% from the sale of electronic devices and accessories. This ratio occurs in the sum of different transactions. Your chance to appeal is already disappearing with the contracts you initially signed.


Apart from these commission rates, we have to constantly pay OPPORTUNITY, CORPORATE and ADVERTISEMENT fees, and sales have to be made over the specified shipping company and fee.


E-commerce marketplaces have set commission rates for product sales in different categories and reflect these commission rates to companies on sales including VAT. Of course, the tax liabilities of vendors increase here.


After all these negativities, the small amount of profit left to the seller will be spent on other taxes, personnel expenses and other expenses.


While these factors left the tradesmen in a difficult situation, with the law numbered 7256, which was approved at the General Assembly of the Turkish Grand National Assembly and approved by the President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and published in the Official Gazette, certain rates of tax exemption are applied to individuals and companies engaged in e-commerce as of January 1, 2021. These laws are the elements that will destroy the tradesmen.


The fact that sites such as Amazon, Ebay, Airbnb and Alibaba, which have been famous abroad, have started selling in our country due to these free trade elements.


Our companies that enthusiastically enter e-commerce need to think carefully about the advantages and disadvantages and how they can be applied to their current business goals. While e-commerce may initially seem like it will solve all your business problems, moving from a physical location to an online store has its drawbacks, and these disadvantages can even lead to the end of your established company.


As a result, we need evolving technology and e-commerce for the existence of the market and the simultaneous maintenance of brands, but e-commerce with moderate commission rates will be more appropriate.


Commission rates should be low until a point where profits are made. With the number of customers growing day by day, all of us should always gain. Our recommendation will be a 10% fixed commission rate with all costs included.


To sum up;

E commerce is indispensable. As the main income of brokerage, commission is the most popular business model in the modern market. However, the fact that the commission is not permanent and disturbing will bring success.


Although our companies are keen on e-commerce, they must admit from the outset that they also have disadvantages. When all parties accept that these situations are a problem, we will overcome e-commerce problems and have a say in the global market.


Hayrettin Özaydın


Chairman of TUYAD, Hayrettin Özaydın, visited Turksat General Manager Hasan Hüseyin Ertok to congratulate him and to inform him about the sector.

During the visit held on February 25, 2021, we wished Ertok, who has been successfully serving in Turksat since 2017, for the promotion he deserves, and stated that we can always be together in his work.

The very valuable Turksat will be managed by an in-house trained general manager for the first time. This excites us a lot. We wish it to bring abundance and beauties to our country, all our citizens and the sector.

We presented our gift to our dear general manager on behalf of TUYAD. He also gifted us the painting of the late great scientist Ali Kuşçu, whose space house was opened in Eyüp Sultan and set an example for 50 thousand students.

The visit program ended after the souvenir photo shoot.